V. Ryan © 2004 | |
A range of software exists that allows the user to produce complex circuits by building up ‘modules’ into an overall circuit. Software such as Control Studio® is relatively simple to use and once a circuit is built up it can be exported to software such as PCB Wizard® for production as a PCB. The completed circuit can also be converted to an ordinary circuit diagram by exporting it to software such as Livewire®. In both Control Studio and Live Wire the circuit can be simulated to see if it works and how effective it is. |
Modular electronics software allows the user to select the type of Inputs, Processes and outputs for a particular circuit. Examples of some inputs, processes and outputs are shown below. |
Control Studio® is based on a SYSTEMS approach. Most circuits have Inputs, a Process and Outputs. When loading the software a menu appears that allows the user to choose either an input, process, amplifier, driver, output or measure. This type of software allows the designer to build a complex circuit without the complex knowledge of all components or how they are built into circuits. A basic understanding of modular electronics is all that is needed. |
The software also allows the designer to add a range
of amplifiers and drivers to circuits. |